gamut n. 1.【音乐】音阶;长音阶;全音域。 2.〔比喻〕整个领域,全体。 the complete gamut of the spectrum 光谱波长的全区域。 the whole gamut of experience 所有经验。 run the gamut of dissipation 极端放荡。 run the gamut of emotions 百感交集。
color 〔美国〕=〔英国〕 colour。 n. 1.颜色,色彩;色调;着色;色素,颜料,染料;〔pl.〕 图画颜料。 2.脸色,血色;(有色人种的)肤色。 3.(声音、文章等的)格调,情调,风格;【音乐】音色。 4.个性,特色;外观;口实;〔pl.〕立场,观点。 5.〔常 pl.〕军旗,团旗,军舰旗;船旗;优胜旗;【美海军】对军舰旗的敬礼。 6.〔pl.〕(作为某种标志的)彩色装饰[衣饰],徽记,绶带。 7.〔美口〕精彩,生动,有声有色。 8.〔美国〕(矿砂中)贵金属微粒[量]。 9.【印刷】油墨用量。 fundamental [primary, simple] colours 原色〔一般指红、蓝、黄〕。 secondary colours (二原色混合成的)等和色。 oil [water] colours 油画[水彩画]颜料。 fading [fugitive] colours 易褪的颜色。 fast colours 经久不变的颜色。 contrast colour反衬色。 He has very little colour.他脸色不好。 Her colour came and went as she listened. 她一面听一面脸色忽红忽白。 a high colour良好的血色。 true [false] colours 真[假]面目。 The program lacks colour. 〔美口〕节目欠精彩。 local colour地方色彩。 a person of colour 非白种人,(特指)黑人。 some colour of truth 若干真实味。 call to the colours 征兵,召服军役[入伍]。 change colours (激动得)变脸色。 come off with flying colours 旌旗飘扬地凯旋;大告成功;获得重大胜利。 come out in their true colours 暴露本来面目。 desert one's colours 变节;逃走。 gain [gather] colour 血色变好。 get [win] one's colours 〔英国〕当选为(运动)选手。 give sb. his colour 选某人为选手。 give a false colour to 把…描画得[渲染得]像真的一样,歪曲。 give colour to 使(话说得)像真的一样,使…动听[生色],渲染;润饰。 haul down one's colours 投降。 hang out false colours 带着假面具,挂羊头卖狗肉,假表态。 have a high colour面色红润。 in one's true colours 露原形,发挥本性。 join the colours 入伍。 (the) King's [Queen's] colour 英国军队的团旗。 lay on the colours (too thickly) 渲染太过;夸大。 lose colour 脸色变青,失色;退色。 lower one's colours 降低要求;退让;放弃权利[主张];投降。 nail one's colours to the mast 高竖旗帜,坚决主张。 off colour (瓷器等)色泽不佳;音色不好;〔俚语〕脸色不好,没有精神;〔美俚〕低级趣味的。 paint in bright [dark] colours 画得鲜艳[晦暗];赞扬[贬损]。 put false colours upon 歪曲,故意曲解。 sail under false colours (船)挂着别国的国旗航行;打着骗人招牌,凭伪善、欺骗过日子。 salute the colours 对军旗敬礼。 see [not see] the colour of sb.'s money 接受[不接受]某人款项。 see things in their true colours 看清事物真相。 serve (with) the colours 服兵役,当兵。 show one's colours 打出鲜明旗帜,说出自己意见[计划],现出本来面目。 show one's true colours 露出真面目,露马脚。 stick to one's colours 严守原则;坚持自己的立场。 strike one's colours 放下旗帜(投降)。 take one's colour from 仿效,模仿。 under colour of 在某种幌子下。 with colours flying and band playing 大张旗鼓,得意扬扬。 with the colours 当着兵;现役。 without colour 不加渲染;无特色。 vt. 1.给…着色,给…上色;染。 2.渲染,粉饰,使带上色彩,歪曲。 3.使具有特征。 an account coloured by prejudice 带有成见色彩的报道。 vi. 1.获得颜色。 2.(水果因熟)变黄[红等];脸红 (up). colour up to the temples (脸)红到发根。
Research on color gamut transformation model of multi - color crt 呈色的转换模型的研究
Color gamut mapping is a key technology to improve the color reproduction ability of devices 色域匹配是提高设备颜色再现能力的一项关键技术。
Hi - fi color has been a great invention in the printing industry . it revolutionizes four process colors cmyk into a new era of wider color gamut which brings images to vision in high fidelity 原真色彩hi - fi color为印刷业的重大发明,改变了传统四色印刷cmyk的限制,带来更丰富的原真色彩效果。
Compared to conventional am screening , fm xm screening has solved a number of printing problems . it produces finer details or sharper images with wider color gamut and no moir which is especially suitable for printing art books 与传统的调幅网am screening比较,调频网或混合网技术fm xm screening带来更佳的印刷效果,线条字体更细致影像更清晰利落色域更广无网花尤其适合印刷艺术书刊。
The technology now used mainly heritage replication , and its features are : handcrafted production networks without row : rich layers , color robust , wide color gamut , the reappearance of the original faithfully the true face , or even genuine level 该技术目前主要用于文物复制工作,它的特点是:纯手工制作、无网点、连续调,层次丰富,色彩厚实,色域宽,能忠实的再现原稿的真实面貌,甚至达到乱真的程度。
In chapter five , the research work focus on color gamut transform correction in panel display . a method of color gamut transform correction which introduces the concept of virtual gamut space is presented to solve the problem of luminance and chromic disuniformity which arises from the differentia of chromic and drive characteristics of each module or pix on the same display panel . and the high quality of image displayed on the panel is ensured 提出了克服同一种平板显示屏由于各个显示模块(显示象素)的色度空间特性和中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所博十学位论文基十拟合逼近理论的平板图像显示技术研究基色驱动显示特性的差异而造成的平板显示屏色度和亮度分布不均的有效方法,解决了平板显示屏的全屏幕亮度、色度一致化的问题,保证了高质量视频图像的显示。