
color gamut中文是什么意思

  • 色饱和度
  • 颜色范围



  • 例句与用法
  • Research on color gamut transformation model of multi - color crt
  • Color gamut mapping is a key technology to improve the color reproduction ability of devices
  • Hi - fi color has been a great invention in the printing industry . it revolutionizes four process colors cmyk into a new era of wider color gamut which brings images to vision in high fidelity
    原真色彩hi - fi color为印刷业的重大发明,改变了传统四色印刷cmyk的限制,带来更丰富的原真色彩效果。
  • Compared to conventional am screening , fm xm screening has solved a number of printing problems . it produces finer details or sharper images with wider color gamut and no moir which is especially suitable for printing art books
    与传统的调幅网am screening比较,调频网或混合网技术fm xm screening带来更佳的印刷效果,线条字体更细致影像更清晰利落色域更广无网花尤其适合印刷艺术书刊。
  • The technology now used mainly heritage replication , and its features are : handcrafted production networks without row : rich layers , color robust , wide color gamut , the reappearance of the original faithfully the true face , or even genuine level
  • In chapter five , the research work focus on color gamut transform correction in panel display . a method of color gamut transform correction which introduces the concept of virtual gamut space is presented to solve the problem of luminance and chromic disuniformity which arises from the differentia of chromic and drive characteristics of each module or pix on the same display panel . and the high quality of image displayed on the panel is ensured
  • 其他语种释义
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